Our Faith
We believe the Bible is God-breathed and is completely infallible. It is regarded as the highest authority and guidance in the faith and lives of the believers.
We believe that God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit are equal in glory and honor. God is existing as one in three persons, and is the one and only, absolute, and everlasting God.
We believe in Jesus Christ who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary into this world. Without sin, he was crucified on the cross for the sin of mankind. He died and was buried; on the third day, he rose again from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is the savior of believers. He will return to judge the living and the dead in the future.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is one of the Trinity. The mission of the Holy Spirit is to make people conscious of their sin, to reveal the truth of Christ to people, and to sanctify the believers by comforting and guiding them.
We believe mankind is made in the image of God. Since the first ancestor, Adam sinned and fell, we have become slaves of sin. Only by confessing and repenting of our sins, and trusting in Jesus as our Lord can we be saved.
We believe it is by grace and through faith that believers are saved. Grace is shown and freely given to mankind by God through the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross. Faith refers to mankind, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, confess and repent of their sins, trust in Jesus as their Lord, and personally convey such to the Lord.
We believe the church is established by Christ on the earth. It is set so baptized believers may gather together in worship, in celebrating the sacraments and in preaching the gospel. Since Christ is the head of the church, it is a spiritual organization led by God's people.
There are two sacraments in the church: one is baptism, and the other is the Holy Communion. They are both the symbols of salvation. We believe Christ will return in glory and majesty, judge and reign in this world, and be king forever.