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Chinese Worship (Sunday 9:45 a.m.)

On Sundays, those who revere the Creator of Heaven and Earth gather together to praise and worship the Triune God through songs, prayers, the Holy Communion, preaching of God's word, and fellowship among brothers and sisters.  We exalt the name of Jesus, enjoy his presence, and experience his power and comfort.  We are also empowered to heed the call of the Lord to live for him.  Please come and worship the Lord together with us.

English Worship (Sunday 11:15 a.m.)

We come together to worship the Lord through singing songs of praise, and listening to inspiring messages from the Bible by our speaker. We are privileged to have the pulpit support of pastors, ministers and missionaries from area churches that share a common Christian faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Chinese Sunday School (Sunday 11:30 a.m.)

梁兵弟兄,火欣弟兄      《享受工作学习,活出使命人生》

卫民弟兄                        《歌罗西书》

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